Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Journal Entry March 6th, 2011

This week was another one that flew by. I feel like my life is going by so fast. By the time I get kids off to school, go to gym, have lunch with Ashley, clean the house a little, read with Ash, take her to the park, do some laundry, fit in either VT or friend time, pick up big kids from school, homework, dinner, etc....there is no time for anything else. Which I guess, is how it's suppose to be and how, for the most part, I enjoy it like this. However, it would be nice to be able to fit more in my day, like reading, shopping, blogging, organizing, maybe movie watching:) I can't complain, I know that this is such a busy time but a wonderful time. I love being a mother and trying to spend as much time with my baby Ashley before she goes off to kindergarten next year. I try to do something fun with her every week like the museum, park, swimming, or riding bikes, whatever she feels like doing.
With the big kids we are trying to have one-on-one dates with them. They get to pick like a movie, dinner, ice-cream, hot chocolate, etc..date.
Family is everything and the most important thing in my life. I'm so blessed!

Ashley had some friends over and had a make-up party and
did dance central. Cute and hilarious!

The girls

I have the coolest daughters in the world. They are kind to others, smart, talented and adventurous. I am a lucky mom.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ashley with her babies and new pillow pet unicorn:)

What a good little mommy!

Brayden all geared up for the Green Bay Packer's game vs Chicago Bears. He is a Packer's fan even though his dad is for the Bears:) He loves to watch sports sooo much. We love it because mom and dad love sports too! The kids had a lot of bets with Grandpa Newsom this season. Everyone got in on the fun, even Ashley!

Kylie's Perm

Kylie got a perm at age 12. She has so much hair with just a little curl in the back underneath. As you can imagine these curlers were very heavy on her head:) Perm was a success!

Ashley getting her hair done by Kylie. They thought this was hilarious!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kylie's Braces

Kylie got her braces today! Here is a before and after picture!

My first born is growing up.......this is yet another milestone in her life! I'm enjoying every moment I can with her!